
Where I'm From

A few weeks ago, Mama Kat @ Mama's Losin' It  posted this template as one of her weekly writing prompts. The exercise originates from a poem by George Ella Lyon and you may have seen others doing this as well.  It was a really fun exercise to do and brought to mind some wonderful memories of growing up. I may do another version soon using more recent references - everything below is drawn from my childhood.

Where I'm From
I am from the Fountain City Duck Pond, from RC Cola and Moon Pies.

    I am from Dogwood Trails and the Smoky Mountains.

I am from the house at the bottom of the hill, from wood paneling, leather “farty” couches, unfiltered Camels and Old Spice.

I am from homemade pickles and “puttin’ up beans”, strong but small women, from Karen and Lily Mae and Sandy Gaye.
I am from watching Grandpa play solitaire for hours after dinner was cleared, he always let me chime in when I saw a move. The dishwasher being used to store cookies and other sweets and never being used to wash dishes – dishes should be washed by hand.
From “don’t you sass me”, "go get me a switch", and “people in hell want ice water”.
From Saturdays spent in head to toe orange, bonfires, tailgating, and singing Rocky Top so many times you lose your voice. I am from “I Bleed Orange”,”Orange You a Vol?” and “Touchdooooooown Tennesseeeeeee”!
I'm from the valley, the rolling hills, and the desert. From Smoky Mtn. Market hot dogs, fried potatoes, and pinto beans & cornbread.
From my aunts big red prom dress that I was always in awe of (she looked like a red cupcake),the time my mom almost sliced her arm off shucking corn, and who could forget when I rolled out the side of the camper when I was just a few months old.
I am from quilts, afghans, and embroidered pillowcases in hope chests, albums upon albums of baby pictures, and who knows what all's hidden up in Grandma's attic.

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