
Welcome to Pickles & I Scream!

I first started this blog back in March of 2010 when I was 3 months pregnant and wanted a place to vent my pregnancy woes. In all honesty, I HATED being pregnant! HATED it! I didn't even have a real solid reason for hating it, no morning sickness at all, no health problems, but it was hot as hades and I was pregnant ALL summer! After several drafted & un-posted posts, I decided that I probably sounded like a raving lunatic to anyone who doesn't know me and deleted those posts. I can say that at least typing it out made me feel better at the time! 

Now I have a beautiful 4 month old daughter and I'm desperately seeking my inner-mommy all while trying to squeeze in time for work, crafty-projects, and spending some time with my husband (that involves talking about something other than dirty diapers). I look forward to sharing my misadventures in mommy-hood, DIY projects, and some tips on some super-awesome deals I've scored on baby gear!
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