
Hoo Are You?

Every week Night Owl Crafting hosts a link-up so we can get to know others out in blog-land. Here's this weeks round of questions:

1. Do you make a budget and keep it, or just fly by the seat of your pants?
I spend all sorts of time making a budget and then proceed to fly by the seat of my pants. The accountant in me knows the budget needs to be created but after spending all day keeping track of other people's money I'm just not in the mood to do my own.
2. Do you do spring cleaning and if so which month?
Not really, I try to avoid cleaning at all costs every month of every season!
3. Are you a yard sale lover and do you have them and go to them?
I used to go to them pretty often but now I'd much rather sleep if possible. Why do they always have to be held so early in the mornings anyways?!
4. What do you take when you have a headache?
Excedrin Tension Headache  - it has the perfect combination of headache meds and caffeine 
5. Name 3 things that you feel lucky to have in your life!
My awesome daughter, my fabulous husband, and the courage to be myself no matter what others think (Thanks Mom!)


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